Beginning and Introduction

As you can see, my name is Sean. College student majoring in Information Technology aka IT. Some brief information, I created this blog in order to dump all my stuff here such as real life, story concepts, random, knowledges, etc. 

In this blog, can contain any genre, like fiction or non-fiction facts, facts or fake, myths, legends, and more.
In other words, this blog kind of like department store(?) where everything that I know,  all without any restrictions will be dump in here.

Ah yes, occasionally I'll dump arts or video here for archives purpose.
Stargazer with Death's blog will be inactive and become sub blog to monitoring my mental's health, hence why Sean's Recording Hall will took Stargazer with Death's position as the main blog.

If you really are curious with my others blog, you can click this link:
Or you want to know me more such as contacts and my others account, click this link: (I'll be update this occasionally if I have more to added there)

Oh right, for your information... I rarely active here, so sorry about that and this blog can contain Indonesia or English as the base of this blog language. It could be change if fate let me learn others language.

Then, kindly comments if you have advice or just say hello to me, but, please manage your words throughly if you won't get misunderstanding and no flame. It's kind of hard to not feeling emotional with the flame since my mental health is not really good enough to hold it because of some my painful memories before.

Last but not least, please mind your words choosing and language, let's keep this blog free from toxic statements that will lead someone to dark side or the other side. Your tongue is your deadly weapon. Your words can turn into poison or potion. Please, careful with your tongue and words if you want to interact with me or someone.

Thus conclude this introduction post. See you in the future.

<This post could be updated as time goes on>


Sean GM -Leviatan-


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