As you can see, my name is Sean. College student majoring in Information Technology aka IT . Some brief information, I created this blog in order to dump all my stuff here such as real life, story concepts, random, knowledges, etc. In this blog, can contain any genre, like fiction or non-fiction facts, facts or fake, myths, legends, and more. In other words, this blog kind of like department store(?) where everything that I know, all without any restrictions will be dump in here. Ah yes, occasionally I'll dump arts or video here for archives purpose. Stargazer with Death 's blog will be inactive and become sub blog to monitoring my mental's health, hence why Sean's Recording Hall will took Stargazer with Death 's position as the main blog. If you really are curious with my others blog, you can click this link: Or you want to know me more such as contacts and my others account, click this link: https://seangm.carrd.c...