Hello, folks! Sean GM is back at stage again for a moment. In today's post, I'll tell you that some pages sections have been added in this blog, not much update but enough for my busy times like this. So, to make use my little spare time, I decided to added some new sections for this blog. Those sections are not complete yet, I guess? I forgot, oh my poor memory. Another reason for why I added those new sections... It's for the sake of visitors to travelling my blogs easily, not quite sure is this effective or not. For what sections are those, I tell you at the next post. Honestly, I don't really remember that this recently blog update had some of its sections reduced or not, forgive me for having such poor memory. And yes, my semester mid terms are closing near me and will come shortly... Thus, I apologize for kind of neglecting this blog and the other one, but I assure you that for time to time, I'll occasionally update thi...